What is the Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023?
This Act introduces new supports and rights for employees to foster a balance with work life and family life and responsibilities.
Definition of Domestic Violence?
Irelands National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence defines domestic violence as ‘a human rights abuse and a form of gender-based violence that has its roots in gender inequality. The Istanbul Convention defines domestic violence as ‘all acts of physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence that occur within the family or domestic unit or between current or former spouses or partners, whether or not the perpetrator shares or has shared the same residence with the victim’. The exertion of coercive control is a key component in this process.’
What is Domestic Violence leave?
Under the Act, an employee experiencing domestic violence, is entitled to 5 days off per year to deal with urgent matters relating to their situation. These matters include medical appointments, court dates or counselling.
The domestic violence can be ongoing or in the past.
You do not need to give your employer notice but should if you can.
Who can apply?
Any employee experiencing domestic abuse, regardless of how long they are in the job, can use this leave.
You can also use this leave if you are supporting a relevant person such a partner or child under 18.
What is the rate of pay?
You will receive your full rate of normal pay.
How do you apply?
Check your companies Domestic Violence policy and follow the procedure. You do not need to provide any proof and your employer should treat all information in the strictest confidence.